Cross Planted on Church Property!
By the grace of God, on July 13, 2016, our parish held the official Service for the Planting the Life-giving Cross and the placing of the Cornerstone on our property. […]
OCA Guidelines for Confession and Reception
The following Guidelines for Clergy (Orthodox Church in America, 1998), approved by the Holy Synod, address various issues surrounding Confession (the Mystery of Penance) and are considered normative in the […]
Property Mowing and Clean-up
Thomas, Van, Innocent, Matthew, Raphaela and Tryphon enjoyed a productive day on our property on Saturday, May 28. Thomas rented a tractor with cutting apparatus and we all pitched in […]
Why Do We Celebrate Pascha in the Middle of the Night?
The Simple Answer The simple answer is that the Resurrection occurred in the middle of the night. Of course, no one knew it had happened until Mary Magdalene and the […]
Land Given to the Parish!
Back in December of 2014 we were able to purchase almost 7 acres of land right by I-5 outside of Ashland, OR. An anonymous Trust gave us an interest free […]
Model of Future Temple
With the help of the schematic design, blueprints of other churches and conversations with our architect we are getting close to settling on a design for our future church temple. […]
“The Grammar of Faith” by Fr. Stephen Freeman
On February 10, 2016 we had a wonderful evening with Archpriest Stephen and Mat. Elizabeth Freeman from St. Anne’s Orthodox Church in Oak Ridge, TN. Fr. Stephen spoke on […]
Design and Develop a Temple
The building project of our new temple has entered a new phase. Having completed the initial Schematic Design Phase in April 2015, we are now moving on to the second […]
Church Property Work-day
On Saturday November 14th, 11:00am we will commence a work day on our church property (647 S. Valley View Rd., Ashland, OR). The plan for this day will be to […]