Matching Grant – Almost There!
Dear faithful,
Glory be to Jesus Christ!
We are getting very close to meeting out goal for the matching grant, which expires on July 13! If you remember, the matching grant (of up to $75,000) was announced at our annual meeting in November last year. Since then we have raised $62,342 (which, doubled, amounts to $124,684)! This is a beautiful and absolutely amazing achievement – and a testimony of your generosity and ingenuity!
To meet our goal by July 13th we need to raise another $12,658. It would be incredible if we can meet this goal. If we do, we will have raised $150K in just 8 months – halfway to what we need in order to start our site work (earth work, roads, parking, construction prep. etc.) on the property!
Even if we do not reach all the way, this is an incredible thing worth celebrating with joy and gratitude to God!
With love in Christ,
Fr. Andreas Blom
Rector, Archangel Gabriel Orthodox Church

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