Parish Bulletin – August 19th, 2012
I Corinthians 9:2-12
Matthew 18:23-35
Choir Director: Veronika
We welcome you to the Orthodox Church. Please feel at ease and free to participate in the singing. As a visitor you are welcome to come forward at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy and venerate the Cross offered by the priest. Additionally you may receive the blessed bread (Antidoron) that is offered at that time. If you have questions or would like further information, the priest or one of the members of the parish will be pleased to help.
A word to our visitors on Holy Communion
The Orthodox Church does not practice open Communion. Therefore, only members of Canonical Orthodox Churches exercising jurisdiction in America may approach the Chalice for Holy Communion. The Orthodox do not regard Holy Communion solely as an act of personal piety, but also as an expression of union with the Orthodox Church’s faith, doctrine, and discipline. Orthodox visitors wishing to receive Holy Communion should make their intention known to the priest in advance — ask any member of the parish for help in relaying your intention to the priest. Orthodox Christians should prepare themselves to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion through recent Confession, prayers of preparation for Holy Communion, and fasting (at minimum, from midnight before receiving).
“Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in a an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord.” – I Corinthians 11:27
Troparion for Dormition, Tone I:
In giving birth Thou didst preserve thy virginity. In falling asleep thou didst not forsake the world, O Theotokos. Thou wast translated to life, O Mother of Life, and by thy prayers thou deliverest our souls from death!
Troparion of the martyr, in Tone V:
Leaving the glory of earthly rank behind, thou didst inherit the kingdom of heaven; and thou didst adorn crowns of incorruption as with all-wondrous stones, and didst lead to Christ an assembly of athletes. With the choirs of the angels thou didst find Christ, the never-setting Sun, in light unwaning, O holy general Andrew. With those who suffered with thee ever entreat Him, that He save our souls.
Kontakion of the martyr, in Tone II:
Standing before the Lord in prayer, like a star preceding the sun, thou didst gain sight of the desired treasure of the kingdom, full of ineffable joy; and for ages without end, O general Andrew, thou dost unceasingly sing to the immortal King with the angels. With them pray thou continually for us all.
Kontakion for Dormition, Tone II:
Neither the tomb, nor death, could hold the Theotokos, who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. For being the Mother of Life, she was translated to life by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb!
Opportunities to give:
➢ Food donations to the Ashland Food Project
➢ The parish is looking to purchase new vestments for altar servers. Please give designated donation if you would like to contribute.
- Please sign up for coffee fellowship/kitchen cleanup.
- Adult Education Classes will resume on Wednesday, following Vespers.
- Go to Yoghurt Hut today between 12 and 4 pm! 10% of the income during this time will go to our parish.
- Parish council meeting will follow today’s Liturgy.
- Don’t forget to sign up for the retreat at Box R Ranch!
Service Schedule this Week:
Wednesday – 6.00 pm, Vespers
Thursday – 6.40 am, Hours, Divine Liturgy
Saturday – 6.00 pm, Great Vespers
Sunday – 8.40 am, Hours, Divine Liturgy
Confession after Vespers or by appointment!
Other Activities Next Week:
- Wednesday, following Vespers – Adult Education Class
- Saturday, 5.00 PM – Choir practice
Bulletin Insert (OCA Department of Education):
The prophet Samuel, who is remembered on August 20, is introduced to us in Scripture in a unique way. He is not yet a prophet, the first time we read about him.
Jeremiah is given a prophecy to deliver in the first chapter of the book named for him. Hosea receives a prophetic message in the second verse of his book. Isaiah’s prophetic vision is described in the very first verse of the Book of Isaiah. We are told little about the childhoods or families of any of these prophets.
Samuel, by contrast, is introduced to us as a child who serves the priest Eli. We know the names of his parents, Hannah and Elkanah, and we’re told that Elkanah was a loving husband. We know that the long-childless Hannah had endured unkindness from Elkanah’s other wife, who did have children. We are given details of Hannah’s devoted motherhood after the welcome birth of her son.
Samuel’s closeness to Eli at such an impressionable age, and his subservient position, make it difficult for him to do one of the things God asks of him. The Lord reveals to Samuel His plans to punish Eli for “the iniquity which he knew, because his sons were blaspheming God, and he did not restrain them” (I Samuel/I Kingdoms 3: 13). Though he is afraid to do so, Samuel must reveal this plan to Eli.
In adulthood, Samuel bears other difficult responsibilities. He must console and encourage the Israelites when they fight the Philistines and are defeated time and again. When God instructs him to anoint Saul as king. Samuel obeys, but then must stand by and watch Saul fall ever deeper into jealous rage against the young, charismatic and very able David.
This terrible jealousy leads Saul to try to kill David, and the young man flees to Samuel for refuge. The two go together to Naioth in Ramah, but someone betrays their whereabouts to Saul, and he sends messengers to hunt David down. But the atmosphere around Samuel is so holy that the messengers “prophesy” or, in other words, are overwhelmed by the presence of God. Saul sends two more groups of messengers, and the same thing happens to them.
Finally Saul goes himself to kill David. But he, like the messengers, is overwhelmed and “prophesies.” Saul is too far gone in his hatred to be redeemed by this experience. But it shows how close Samuel has become to God, and how strongly other people are affected by being in the divine presence that surrounds him.
This weird episode shows Saul’s mad desperation. But it also shows the lasting power of a godly prophet like Samuel, who was “lent to the Lord” by his mother as a tiny child.Samuel’s influence is so great that even after he dies, Saul can’t do without him. The Philistines are once again gathering their troops to make war on Israel, and the terrified Saul asks a medium to call Samuel from the dead so the prophet can advise him.
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